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Licode's Blog 

Here we will keep you informed about last news, events, and other stuff related to Licode and WebRTC.

Branch merging and reorganization post

- Lynckia

Last week we took Licode a step further by incorporating in the main branch many of the repository several features that have been in the works in the last few months.

Here are some highlights:

As well as a bunch of bugfixes!

We encourage all of you to switch to this branch and keep helping Licode with your feedback and opinions. We have already posted here regarding the TURN server support feature and we will keep posting more information about the others in the next few weeks as well as the documentation part of this site.

We will keep the other branches for a while but will soon be replaced or removed as we move on into new territories :)

You can start testing it, and again, feedback is very welcome! Thank you!
