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Licode Licode

Open Source WebRTC Communications Platform.

Start Using it!

Introducing Licode.

Built on top of WebRTC.

Licode is based on WebRTC technologies. It is 100% compatible with latest stable versions of Google Chrome. Your users will be able to talk from their web browsers with no need to installing anything.

Easy, fast and scalable.

You don't need to care about complicated real-time infrastructures. It provides a fast development of videoconference features based on HTML5. And we make it 100% scalable.

Videoconference, Streaming, Recording.

Licode allows you to include videoconference rooms on your web. But you can also implement streaming, recording and any other real-time multimedia features you dreamt of!

Building your own conference provider.


It's the WebRTC Multipoint Control Unit (MCU). It's written in C++ and is 100% compatible with WebRTC standard and its protocols.

Erizo API

A Node.js addon wrapper for Erizo. It configures and manages all aspects of Erizo from your Node.js applications!

Erizo Controller

It's the core of the service. It provides Rooms to users in order to make multiconference sessions. It also supplies enough security mechanisms and additional capabilities: data, user lists, events, and so on.


This videoconference management API offers Room management, Users access control and service registration to third-party applications. It also provides Cloud scalability to the service.