One of the most important problems to be faced when working with real time communications is how to react to varying network conditions. Even if a bandwidth and general quality is agreed during the signalling or negotiation phase, any change in one of the participants’ connection will degrade the communication. There are many studies and implemented mechanisms to help solve this problem. These solutions are heavily dependant on the protocols and technologies used in each application
Licode lives in the WebRTC world and has to communicate with the current implementations, being Google Chrome the most important today. Chrome has been advancing in the implementation of the SAVPF RTP Profile for some months that, among other things, defines feedback RTCP packets to adapt the communication between the peers.
Today we announce we have implemented the forwarding of RTCP packets via Licode in the master branch. In our tests it has greatly improved the communication in environments with high packet losses and latency. While this is only the first step, it is very important for providing a high quality service.
We encourage all of you to test it and tell us what you think of it. Please remember to uninstall libsrtp and use the one included in the repository now. All the scripts have been fixed so installing everything again should work just fine.
We also have updated our demo page and we also encourage you to try it :)