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Licode's Blog 

Here we will keep you informed about last news, events, and other stuff related to Licode and WebRTC.

Licode working with Chrome beta on Android!!

- Lynckia

Great news everyone!

Licode is now officially working with the last version of Chrome Beta on Android. That means all your applications using Licode are now going mobile.

To enable WebRTC on Chrome Dev for Android:

  1. Type in “chrome://flags” in the omnibox to access the flags
  2. Scroll about a third down and enable the “Enable WebRTC” flag
  3. You will be asked to relaunch the browser at the bottom of the page in order for the flag to take effect.

Now you can open your Licode application url (or our [test page] ( ) and that’s it :)

Keep in mind this is still a beta version and there is still a lot of work to be done for it to work perfectly.

You can see it in action in this video:

We want to thank Google WebRTC group for their great work implementing the standard in Chrome in every platform.
