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Licode's Blog 

Here we will keep you informed about last news, events, and other stuff related to Licode and WebRTC.

Connecting erizo clients to Licode in your node.js applications.

- Lynckia

Some weeks ago we had a very cool idea. We were talking about the posibility of running an erizo client in a node.js application and connect it to a Licode session. With this feature you can include in your Licode rooms streams from a client that not necessarily runs in a browser. It may be of interest, for example, for doing some operations with the streams like processing or synchronization.

Today it is posible with erizofc, a node module that you can include in your node application to run erizo clients with the same API used in browsers. You can check the API here. erizofc is simply a new compilation of the erizoClient source code changing the library and considering some particular characteristics that differentiates browser and node applications. To connect with a node.js application working like a client to another working like a server we use the node module

At the moment it is only possible to publish and subscribe data streams from the node.js clients. However we are working in the feature of manage different ways of obtain media streams using streams from URLs rtp, rtsp, rtmp …
