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Here we will keep you informed about last news, events, and other stuff related to Licode and WebRTC.

Peer – to – peer functionality

- Lynckia

We have developed a very cool feature in Licode. Now you can use peer – to – peer rooms in your services. That means that you can communicate your users directly between their browsers without passing through the MCU server (only for signalling). And this is very useful in applications with a low number of users in which you want to save server side resources.

An initial version is implemented in Licode’s “cleanup” branch (by the moment it only works between peers using the same browser, we are developing the interoperability Chrome - Firefox). And use it is very easy! You only need to create a p2p room using Nuve API like this:

var roomName = 'myP2PRoom';

N.API.createRoom(roomName, function(room) {
	console.log('P2P room created with id: ', room._id);
}, errorCallback, {p2p: true});

And from here use the room with the client API as always!

You can start testing it, and again, every feedback is very welcome!

Thank you very much and enjoy Licode!
