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Guidelines to easily install Licode in your environment.

Install Licode on Ubuntu Linux.

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Our recommendation is to install it in a clean installation.

Mac OS X

It has been tested with OSX 10.11 - El Capitan

You will need:

  • Xcode Command Line Tools
  • Node v6, we recommend using nvm for your node versioning problems
  • Git

You first need to clone our code from github.

You need to have git installed in your computer.

In ubuntu use "sudo apt-get install git".

Now clone the repository and go inside licode/ folder.
git clone
cd licode

All scrips used below are included in this code cloned from github.

Now you need to install some dependencies to use Licode.

This step depends on the type of Operating System your are using.

Ubuntu LTS.
Mac OS X.

This step will install all Licode components.

These components are: Erizo, Erizo API, Erizo Controller and Nuve.

You will only need to execute these commands. They do not depend on the Operating System.

This step will install a basic test example.

You will only need to execute the next command. It does not depend on the Operating System.

At this time you have already installed in your computer Licode and a basic videoconference example to test it. Let's run them.

This step will initialize all Licode components.
This step will initialize the basic example.

Now you can connect to "localhost:3001" and test your basic videoconference example!

Head to the Licode Architecture for more information about different Licode components, or start developing your custom service getting into the client or server APIs.

If you want you can start by modifying the basic example. You can find the code in licode/extras/basic_example/

  • basicServer.js is a node.js server that manages the communication between the clients and nuve. Here you can add your own methods using the server side API (Nuve API).
  • In public/ folder you cand find the html and javascript code that is served to the clients. Here you can add your client logic (using client API) and your own styles and functionalities.

Licode Architecture Client API Server API