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Licode Community

Licode is made by and for the developer community. Here you will find the repository, mailing list, and all related accounts.


Licode's development takes place at Github.

There you will find the issues tracker, wiki pages and pull requests. Explore GING profile on github to check all the associated repositories

The place where we talk about Licode.

The main Licode group is a great place to learn about how to get the most out of Licode.

Watch out for last Licode news at Twitter.

Licode Days

Licode Days will happen every 3/4 months and we expect people to connect and talk about their projects, and give us feedback about Licode.

We will also update the Roadmap for the next months and will report any interesting news about the community

Office Hours

Licode admins set one hour every week for public office hours. Office hours are hosted on a Zoom Meeting on Wednesdays at 16:00 (CEST). Our idea is to answer questions about Licode or discuss open Pull Requests.

Topics for the Office Hours may include Pull Requests, questions about how Licode works or to report bugs